Monday, November 15, 2010

Stav: Double Standard

I've been spending an increasing amount of time in coffee shops working on stuff (or not) and have noticed the following trend: when you order just a cup of house coffee which usually costs between 1 and 2 dollars, and then you take out the ol' credit card to pay for it, a lot of the time, the person at the counter will just give it to you for free. I assume this is because it costs more money for the coffee shop to pay the credit card companies etc... then the buck fifty that the coffee is actually worth. This happened to me again not 20 minutes ago. I came home to enlighten my housemates (all male) about this new discovery. When I told them what had just happened they responded with "THAT NEVER HAPPENS TO GUYS!" In conclusion: girls, we have to start insisting on paying for our coffee! This double standard shall not stand!

With sisterhood solidarity,
take care,


  1. Hmmmm. This has never happened to me and I was notorious all throughout Austin for never having cash. Yes. Even for a pack o' gum or any other cheap sundries. Which coffee shop is this happening? Is it a male behind the counter? The same one by chance? Maybe he or...she has a little crush on you? ha ha ha ha. I liked this rather random entry. What would we do without our beloved coffee shops to get work done(or not). Love, Lesbe

  2. Stav, I read this entry to my roommate and she took the opposite (but still feminist stance). She thinks that maybe we (girls) deserve the free coffee after so many years of oppression. =)
