Monday, October 25, 2010

Claire: Codo reaches a whole new level

Codo - Ich düse im Sauseschritt from Michael Klarfeld on Vimeo.

Film project at school last weekend + cheap beer + a wonderful song as inspiration = this video!

This was put together by my teacher mentor, Michael. I do hope this is but the first of many funny videos we make this year.

I suppose it's obvious that I'm having a jolly good time in Dresden. :-) I'll write more about it sometime soon.

Ach but before I go it's my moral obligation to tell you guys about this great resource where you can turn youtube video audio into mp3s: what a goldmine! it's brainless to use and takes about one minute for each song.



  1. This was great, Claire! I'm so happy that you are having such a good time in Germany. I miss you!!!!


  2. THIS IS THE BEST THING EVAR!!!! the video is so german. I don't know what i mean by that. You are too cool na clar!

    love stav.
