Dear friends, here's a quick entry before I leave for Berlin tomorrow.
It's overdue that I share this masterful German song with you guys. It's cool (read: hilarious) on so many levels, so where do I begin to dispel it's wonder? It's just as entertaining to watch the video as to listen to the song. Firstly, the video just grabs you from the very beginning: these pyschadelic, swinging mirrors lead to the entrance of a tan, balding man wearing a muscle t-shirt. Then appears a munchkin man wearing some glasses that might have belonged to Elton John. Eventually a blonde girl enters the scene and she's supposed to be an alien bringing love to planet of hate. I think she's struggling to keep a straight face throughout the whole shenanigan. Everyone acts and sings together to tell of the epic encounter of love and hate in outer space!!
By the way, most Germans roll their eyes at me when I tell them how much I love this song. I suspect that you guys will too, heh heh.
Here are the lyrics. It's worth listening to the German version too because the rhyming is both silly and clever. I translated the song into a pretty rough English, but somehow that seemed appropriate.
Seit 2.000 Jahren lebt die Erde ohne Liebe.
Es regiert der Herr des Hasses.
For 200 years the Earth has lived without love.
The Kingdom of Hatred rules.
Häßlich, ich bin so häßlich, so gräßlich häßlich:
Ich bin der Haß!
Hassen, ganz häßlich hassen, ich kann's nicht lassen:
Ich bin der Haß!
Ugly, I am so ugly, so horribly ugly:
I am the hatred!
Hating, such hateful hating, i can't stop it:
I am the hatred!
Attention, attention.
Unknown flying object approaching the planet. -
Identify unknown flying object.
Codo der dritte, aus der Sternenmitte bin ich der dritte von Links.
Codo the Third, coming from the stars i'm the third on the left
Unknown flying object identify says: Codo"
Und ich düse, düse, düse, düse im Sauseschritt
und bring' die Liebe mit von meinem Himmelsritt.
Denn die Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, die macht viel Spaß,
viel mehr Spaß als irgendwas.
And I speed along, speed along, speed along in a fast pace
and I bring the love in my spaceship
because the love, love, love, love, it's really fun
much more fun than something
We do not need any love on this planet:
Tötet Codo! Vernichtet die Liebe!
Kill Codo! Destroy the love!
Codo aus der Ferne der leuchtenden Sterne:
Ich düse so gerne durchs All.
Codo from far away, from the bright stars
Ich love to speed along in outspace
Und ich düse, düse, düse, düse im Sauseschritt
und bring' die Liebe mit von meinem Himmelsritt.
Denn die Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, die macht viel Spaß,
viel mehr Spaß als irgendwas.
And I speed along, speed along, speed along in a fast pace
and I bring the love in my spaceship
because the love, love, love, love, it's really fun
much more fun than something
Objekt überwindet den Hassschirm.
Object has penetrated the Hate bubble.
Ätzend, ich bin so ätzend, alles zersetzend:
Ich bin der Haß.
Acidic, i am so acidic, entirely corrosive
I am the hatred.
Mächtig, unendlich mächtig, und niederträchtig.
So ist mein Haß.
Powerful, infinitely powerful, and wicked.
Such is my hatred.
Und ich düse, düse, düse, düse im Sauseschritt
und bring' die Liebe mit von meinem Himmelsritt.
Denn die Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, Liebe, die macht viel Spaß,
viel mehr Spaß als irgendwas.
And I speed along, speed along, speed along in a fast pace
and I bring the love in my spaceship
because the love, love, love, love, it's really fun
much more fun than something
Here are a couple other German New Wave gems. Don't take them seriously, just sit back and laugh! Or dance?
YES! These are awesome- make me feel like dancing. Can't wait to hear/see more new wave gems. =)
ps- have fun in Berlin!
Oh God Claire! I haven't even watched the videos yet and you nearly had me rolling on the floor from the description alone! I will watch them soon and I bet they will blow my mind! Can't wait for the psychadelic mirrors. =] Thanks for the postcard, by the way! It's super cute! And I hope you're having a good time in Berlin!