Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Leslie: Ground Zero Deemed Great Place to Show Off Shiny, New, Grown-Up Version of USA

This vast country is home to so many people who come to it believing it to be a place "United", but instead find it divided. Is the name "United States" more of a dream, an unattainable lofty aspiration? When will ignorance and intolerance stop rearing its ugly head?
Ah..I digress...so the aforementioned shit storm has its origins at "ground zero" in Manhattan-Lower Manhattan to be exact; home to Wall Street, the Staten Island Ferry, and a growing sense of fear deeper than the chasm left by the late Twin Towers. I've been loosely following the New York Times's coverage of a Muslim groups' attempt to contruct a center near "ground zero" for a month now and find myself fondly recalling my initial positive inner-ponderings,
  "Oh how nice."
"New Yorkers have seized this opportunity to show the world that we are above petty bigotry and narrow mindedness. This mosque will be a sign of maturity within the American public. UTOPIA HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!"
Oh how wrong I quickly figured out I was. What a lovely half a second of dreaming...
People do not want this mosque built. Sure I empathise with the reasons those opposed to the construction of this center have. They perceive  a Muslim center in the shadows of the Twin Towers to be a slap in the face of the victims of murderous so-called "Jihadist Muslims". Like pouring salt in the wounds of post-9/11 America, this center would be a daily reminder of ....what...that those opposed believe all Muslims to be extreme and thirsy for American blood? Oh wait. Am I missing something here? Now I know...All White Anglo-Saxon Protestants are the same too! I get it. All WASP's wish to put burning crosses in the yards of African-Americans whilst wearing white bedsheets. All WASP's must now be plotting how to out-do Timothy McVeigh. Hmmm...a new city...how about we bomb some buildings in downtown Chattanooga, TN? I'm a WASP, sounds like a plan! I'm sorry, but this is what people opposed to the construction of this center near "ground zero" are saying. This kind of mentality in the UNITED States of America is embarrasing particularly because the home base of this controvery resides in New York City.
I'd expect this sort of backward thinking from a southern city, not grand New York City. A city with a population of approx 9 million people, built with the sweat of  immigrants, a shining beacon of how we CAN all get along. For crying out loud, everyday in this amazing city people of all races, creeds, and economic status share the same subway commute. According to wikipedia, 36% of NYC is foreign born and no single country or region of origin dominate this immense population. Amazing.
But no, apparently it is not possible for us in 2010 to build a bridge and get over it. Can we not come together and see this as an opportunity to rise above something so American, fear? For the time being, it seems that we cannot. For many Muslims, America is becoming an increasingly uncomfortable place to live. Across the country, mosques have been vandalized and several taxi drivers in NYC attacked. This is the result of harboring and encouraging an irrational fear not only within the hearts of individual Americans but the heart of American society. Well I say we must demand better.
Dear America,
Grow up. That is all.

All the love in my heart,

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sister! Hallelujah! Hehe. I totally agree with you. It's quite disappointing that we want to suddenly enforce some sort of "anti-Muslim" zone around 9/11. Unfortunately, Americans are often a bunch of self-righteous bigots and when there's something that they can get riled up about...they will, even unnecessarily.

    We're not really in a revolutionary era (not like our parents, at least) but when we do revolt, it's about the most asinine topics.

    So, since bigots piss me off so much and are mean and cruel and one of them in their history has probably done something horrendous...can I outlaw them from living anywhere near me?

    Now I'm all riled up about this!
